Elysium Social




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We are the social media experts you’ve been searching for


About Elysium Social

Elysium is described in Greek mythology as a state of blissand that is exactly what Elysium Social provides to its clients. Elysium Social is a consulting agency with the mission of supporting entrepreneurs and businesses by providing educational social media courses and developing tactical social media marketing strategies to ensure long-term success.

Today, social media lies at the epicenter of communication, marketing, and customer service. Though it has become a requirement for business success, social media marketing can be difficult to grasp and time-consuming to manage. Elysium Social mitigates these challenges by providing small businesses with the most strategic social media services and recommendations. Elysium Social can help you!


Social Media Strategy

Social Media Analysis

Content Creation


Public Relations

What is social media consulting?

Social media consulting is a service that Elysium Social provides to businesses. Consulting services range from the development of social media tactics, social content creation, branding revamp, and more. The team members at Elysium Social have experience working for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Let us help you!

What is Elysium?

“This word came into Latin from the Greek Elysion. In classical mythology, Elysium, or the Elysian fields, was the home of the blessed after passing, the final resting place of the souls of the heroic and the pure; an eternal state of bliss.” – Merriam-Webster

What is the cost to hire Elysium Social as a consultant?

Elysium Social offers a variety of packages to meet the needs of small businesses, large businesses, and individuals. View our selection of premiere packages to find the best option for you. Still have questions? Contact us at hello@elysiumsocial.com.


Let us help your social media presence

Still have questions? We’ve got answers! Send us an email.